
There are many trolls, there are many teams. But there is just one Troll Team.

Formed by a varied and diverse range of casual players, trully trolls, youtubers, musicians and firefighter opponents, the Troll Team maintains a presence in various areas of entertainment, social networks and specially in videogames. We always beat up in games, but we don’t care about rankings.

We contribute to maintaining quality standards of trolling in any platform and game in which we have presence

The pillars of our philosophy (which we apply when we want) can be summarized in the following points:

  • Healthy trolling
  • Insane trolling against the enemies of the Troll Team.
  • Insatiable in eating. More is better, even if you’re full.
  • Casual trolling or standard trolling when it is required (although in fact everything is mamoneo).
  • If it’s not Mumble, GTFO (which is not Discord, although we also have).
  • We do not give a shit about your classification in a game. You do not play better because of that.

We contribute notably in the work of putting in its place the assholes from the servers of the games where we make an appearance, the ignorants of twitter and the abusive administrators of forums.

We are experts in taking advantage of games in innovative and effective ways, reaping great results in multiplicity of games and environments.

We are the Troll Team.